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Alternative ways to invite guests to a wedding


Alternative ways to invite guests to a wedding

Inviting guests to a wedding in an original way can not only be fun but also memorable. Here are a few ideas that can help you create an unforgettable invitation:

💍Video invitation: Create a short video invitation in which you and your partner invite guests to your big day in a funny or emotional way. You can use your sense of humor or show how special your love is.

💍Chocolate invitations: Print small invitation labels and attach them to chocolate bars. Give guests a choice of different flavors and let them know that you are "sweetly" inviting them to the wedding.

💍Message in a bottle: Send letters in bottles to your guests. Inside, place the wedding invitation and a few personal words. This is a romantic and intriguing way to invite them.

💍Puzzleinvitation: Print the wedding invitation as a puzzle. Separate it into several pieces and give each guest one piece. They will have to put it together to see the full invitation.

💍Treasuremap: Create a treasure map that leads to your wedding venue. Include clues and mysterious elements on the map to encourage guests to explore where your ceremony will take place.

💍Playingcards: Print wedding invitations on playing cards and hand them out to your guests. This is a great way to engage them in the game of love.

💍Miniphotoalbum: Create a mini photo album of your shared moments and love stories. Add the invitation as the last page of the mini-album.

💍Personalizeditems: Use personalized items like mugs, keychains, or magnets with the wedding invitation on them. Such a gift will be a wonderful keepsake for your guests.

💍Map version: Prepare an invitation in the form of a map, with important milestones of your relationship as destinations. The final destination on the map will be the "Wedding," encouraging your guests to participate in your special day.

💍Calendars: Print calendars with the wedding date and invitation on each page. Guests can mark the date in their schedule and have it with them at all times.

Remember, original wedding invitations can bring a smile to your guests' faces and make them feel specially invited to your ceremony. Choose an invitation style that best reflects your personality and love story!


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