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Pre-Wedding Stress – How to Avoid It or at Least Minimize It?


Pre-Wedding Stress – How to Avoid It or at Least Minimize It?

1. Plan, Organize, Prepare
The fundamental principle of dealing with stress (whether it's pre-wedding, before an exam, or ahead of a public presentation) is proper preparation. Planning the event allows you to anticipate surprises and minimize risks, such as running late. Creating a scenario for the ceremony, outlining all the details in a table, and jotting down contact information for the photographer, band, or decorator can be incredibly helpful.

2. Delegate
Planning a well-organized wedding and ceremony involves too many tasks for just one person. Delegate some of the responsibilities to your partner, bridesmaids, or a close friend. However, remember that at your wedding, invited guests are meant to be your guests, not task runners.

3. Wise Advice
Listen to one, maybe two people you trust the most. Many people in your circle will want to offer advice, discourage certain choices, or recommend various things. Good advice, superstitions, traditions – they'll come from all sides: friends, the internet, TV, wedding magazines. Remember, it's your wedding, and the ultimate decision rests with you.

4. Physical Exercise
Physical activities like hitting the gym, jogging, dancing, or swimming release endorphins. These will make you happier, more relaxed, and less stressed. Regular exercise will also prepare you for a night of non-stop celebration.

5. Adequate Sleep
Prioritize sleep: aim for at least 6-8 hours.

6. Seek Professional Help
If your budget allows, consider hiring a wedding planner. They'll alleviate a significant portion of stressful responsibilities from your shoulders.


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